Field Trips
Students, teachers, and parents LOVE field trips at Mulberry Lane Farm, Inc.!
Recently a teacher commented that “This has been the best field trip I’ve ever been on in my life.”
And a parent chaperone exclaimed, “I can’t believe what we all get to do!”

Learning can be fun! We provide a hands-on guided farm tour with information about the animals geared toward the specific age level of the students. Students will learn about pigs, cows, goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, donkeys, horses and more! All students are encouraged to have first-hand experience by touching all of our animals. Plus they will hand feed the goats, milk a cow, and enjoy a tractor-drawn hayride.
What sets Mulberry Lane Petting Farm apart from other farm field trips is the interaction. We don’t view the animals from outside the pen. We enter the pens! For example; once your guide shares interesting age-appropriate information about the chickens and explains the proper way to catch a chicken, hold it and release it, you’re invited into the chicken coop! You enter the turkey pen, pig pen, goat and sheep pen and more.
During the spring field trip season, we feature our “babies.” Born through-out May and June you’ll see lambs, kid goats, bunnies, kittens, ducklings, chicks, piglets, calves and more.
For summer field trips you’ll appreciate the cool summer breeze on the farm along with all the farm animal interaction.
At the end of your fall field trip, every student will visit the “Pumpkin Patch” to pick their own free pumpkin.
The perfect time allotment for a field trip to the farm is three (3) hours. The two (2) hour tour (which includes check-in and touring of the petting farm), 1/2 hour for lunch, and 1/2 hour for playtime in the old-fashioned play area. In fall, extend the stay 1/2 hr for time to visit the PuMpKiN Patch to pick your own FREE pumpkin included in the field trip admission fee.
Whether your field trip is spring, summer or fall, extend your stay by bringing a sack lunch to enjoy in the Haymow outside picnic area. We also encourage you to allow extra time, over and above the 1/2 hr suggested above, to play games on your own in our picnic area. Gunny sack races, wheel barrel races, egg toss (hard-boiled of course) are some we suggest. We are amazed at how many of our young children have never experienced these fun “farm-inspired” games.
Visit our Teacher’s Page to download a Farm Games Guide today!
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